Our Mission
Selling to A Coin Shop is a wise decision backed by decades of expertise in the buying and selling of rare coins and precious metals. Our seamless and hassle-free process ensures optimal value for your valuable assets. With a commitment to top-notch service, our experienced team guarantees fair and competitive rates for your coins and metals. Trust in our proven track record and dedication to excellence as we provide transparent and trustworthy transactions. Experience the ease and satisfaction of selling your collection to A Coin Shop!
Please feel free to reach out to us via our toll-free number at 303-794-2646. Our team of seasoned buyers comprises industry leaders with vast knowledge and expertise. We are committed to offering you some of the most competitive prices in the market. Give us a call, and our experts will walk you through the seamless selling process.
Upon receiving your email confirmation for the sale to A Coin Shop, please ensure that your items are postmarked by the following business day. While shipping is your responsibility, we offer guidance on packing your items and provide alternative shipment options. Timely submission of your items expedites the payment issuance process.
Upon receiving your items, A Coin Shop aims to issue your payment within three business days. As we handle a high volume of packages daily, this timeframe allows us to meticulously verify the contents and ensure the authenticity of each shipment.
We are here to help. Call us or leave us a message.